Opportunities For Service

Our Ministries

Do you want to get involved? Are you just not sure how? Take a look at the opportunities we have for service. Don't worry about what you think you ARE or AREN'T capable of. Tell us about your skills and we can definitely use you! We'll be there EVERY step of the way!

Construction Ministry
Construction Ministry

The bulk of our mission projects are physical labor. Don’t know anything about construction?  That’s ok! We have all kinds of projects – from cleanup to painting to assisting others.  Know a lot about construction?  This would be your dream mission field.  You might even want to be a crew chief! Please note, the full week commitment is required.

Meal Ministry
Meal Ministry

Your church or organization can provide a meal for our work crews. The laborers will be working hard in the heat.  You can help by preparing and delivering meals to the crew at the worksites.  Don’t worry! We’ll be there to help!


As with any mission project, it takes a lot of labor and a good bit of money.  You can help through a monetary donation, fundraising campaigns, and/or material donations.  Let us know what you have in mind!

Register For Brick

Allendale - July 13-18 & Aiken - October 5-11